Month: August 2019

When Do Vendors Count as Service Providers Under the California Consumer Privacy Act?

With just a few months remaining before the California Consumer Privacy Act comes into effect, companies throughout the Golden State and beyond are scrambling to figure out how to comply with some of the CCPA’s more confusing and demanding requirements. However, another subset of companies are facing a different question: does the law even apply to us?

The question arises because the CCPA draws an important distinction between “service providers” and “third parties.” A service provider, a company that provides analysis or processing services to another company, must agree by contract to uphold certain protections of the CCPA but is left free of the most arduous requirements of the CCPA, such as fielding user requests for disclosure of data. What companies want to avoid are situations where they believe they are signing up to be service providers but unintentionally put themselves in a position to comply with the entire CCPA.

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How Could the Ninth Circuit’s Decision in a Facebook Facial Recognition Lawsuit Affect California?

A new decision out of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals could be a bellwether for future privacy cases under the California Consumer Privacy Act. On Thursday, the Ninth Circuit held that the plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit against Facebook alleging violation of an Illinois biometrics law had standing, allowing the case to move forward.

Given the similarities between the Illinois law and the relevant portions of the CCPA, the Ninth Circuit’s decision may dramatically expand standing in future cases under the CCPA for similar biometric violations.

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